DNA Blemish Booster Drops
Blemish Booster Drops™ is a concentrated organic, nutrient-rich serum that provides the flexibility to customize and accelerate a DNA CryoStem™ skin care treatment program by targeting specific areas of the skin for custom intensive treatment and creatively blend and boost the DNA CryoStem™ skin care products. The anti-inflammatory formula helps relieve infection caused by acne lesions and reduces redness (erythema) and swelling. In addition, it is extremely effective for pigmented skin to help balance skin color and tone and for rosacea skin conditions.
Skin Type: All
Key Features:
Balances acne-prone skin
Reduces redness and swelling
Used with Supernatural Vitamin A Serum™ for diminishing the appearance of scars and stretch marks
A natural skin brightener and mild lightener
Promotes feeling of well-being and peace
Creates sense of harmony and balance